
Wanna destroy my metabolism

jigglypuff wrote:
My best advice is to ask a medical professional.

No medical professional will give you advice on how to gain weight, unless you're underweight. And if his stated height and weight are correct, he is already obese.

luvpears wrote:
If that's too extreme for you, then just wait until after 4pm to do your daily eating. Nothing before 4pm. Of course, after 4 you're gonna eat everything you can until an hour before bed.

What happens with your metabolism at 4 pm? And does it know when it's daylight saving time? And what's with people who work night shifts and have their breakfast after 4 pm? Do they automatically gain weight?
16 years

Wanna destroy my metabolism

mario69 wrote:
iv tryed that thing starving my self for 2 days and stuffing my self i did that last year didnt work

Of course it doesn't work. People read any cheap articles that have nothing to do with the original studies anymore and think that's the miracle cure now (funnily enough people who want to lose weight and people who want to gain weight use to quote the same stupid misapprehensions). Only thing that helps to gain is to consume more calories. I have a bad conscience to recommend that, but if somebody wants to...
16 years

Wanna destroy my metabolism

I don't know if you're authentic, but if your details are correct, you're short for a guy. Is that the reason why you want to be big? I think if you actually weigh 200 pounds at this height, you already are.
16 years

Wanna destroy my metabolism

There is no such thing as a metabolic clock. There is need of calories and use of calories. And you won't find any study that says otherwise.
16 years

Wanna destroy my metabolism

This article describes changes in the human when s/he works nightshifts. Nowhere does it say that they need less calories because they eat only later in the day.
16 years